Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Goals for the New Year

I've been fascinated with the concept of making a list of knitted objects I want to complete for year 2013.  Although there's not quite 13 for 13, it's a nice little list:

1.) The likehood of me getting married anytime soon is about a ridicolous as it snowy three feet in July, but that's not stopping me from casting on a Evenstar Shawl in hopes of one day seeing it being useful.

2.) A shopping spree at Eat Sleep Knit will yield enough yarn to at least make one catkin.

3.) Although I might not be queen, I want a Golden Lion Throne.

4.) Two of my Christmas skeins,  Knit picks Alpaca Cloud, will be made into an echo flower shawl.

5.) I'm hoping to answer Knitty's Frank Hobbit, of the prestigous Stitches in Time column, challenge to do something creative with this little square before the month of March.

6.) Of course someone special to me just simply needs a Toorie hat in red

7.) It simply wouldn't be a good year without some spinning as well!  I have four ounces from the recently retired Orangejello fibers and a whole pound of merino wool from Knits in Class.

Should keep me busy enough to keep me out of trouble, don't you think?  Besides it beats promising myself to diet and exercise.  Let's face it, my concept of a diet is a chocolate bar every day and the extent of me exercising is doing laundry.  Time to get real and get knitting!

What are your goals for this year?