Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When all else fails...

Today's News:

Winter Knitty is Up!  Squee!  I'm totally making: Maeve Socks for someone I don't care who in blue because well that's the only sock yarn I have!  Other most knits include: Turn of the Glass, Joanie, Lady Lovelace, and Quest.

Second Week of School has been started.  A very easy schedule class wise with almost no homework and would have been better if the times had been better.  Two very short days and two very long days.  I'm glad that it's easy because once I start my internship at Belmont Hall I will need all the time I can get for school work!

I've already reneged my promise to not read ficitions books this year by reading Terry Pratchett's latest *I Shall Wear Midnight*.  And since I've already broken my promise, I figured I might as well go with the flow of things by celebrating all things Pratchett.  Accordingly I'm reading the Discworld novels in order and conquering them very well: 5 down and ? to go!  Feel free to read along with me.  Terry Pratchett is a genius that you can't wrong with.  Expect the unexpected.

Also be sure to check out today's deals and giveaways at Phat Fiber and Dizzy Sheep!